MORE STANDS.....4 MORE STANDS! 2 Rifle + 2 Rifle/LMG stands and the infantry is done! Should have it in the next 2 days, the figures are almost ready for washes and I will have extra, but I could need those for teams with my A/A guns, etc. The crew for the 70mm arty is about ready, and the heavy mortars, which I switched from Old Glory to Peter Pigs figures due to my gag factor, are well on the way, even after having a WTF!?!moment when two sticks hit the floor. Lots of fun trying to find 15mm figures, primed in black, under my work area after they popped off the painting stick and ran away
Markers for the caverns in the "Hobbit Hunt" game were started today. They are skull piles from Reaper Miniatures and a quick dry-brush of bone here, white there and some brown & black washes, done, with numbers on the bottom. Found we needs these after the test game on Sunday, May 13th. Much talk and ideas bandied about. Best part was when Gandalf had to go toe to toe with a Cave Troll and almost got made into wizard paste. He lost much of his FATE points right then!
Oh yeah, almost forgot! Two sniper stands are done and I need to talk some photos of my lads. The crashed Zero object marker is done as well, the destroyed Stuart is coming long.
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