I was to help Harold with his FOW game on Saturday and run my "Sword & the Flame" game on Sunday. Harold's health failed him and he was unable to attend, so the FOW game was cancelled as he felt it was too much in his head for anyone else to run. I took his loaner armies and other stuff for the Warhammer Ancients Tourney he was going to run on Sunday.
Friday evening I played a WWII naval game by the "Special Projects Team" which was fun. Saturday I played in the "55 Days in Peking"-Siege of the Foreign Legations China 1900 game. Great board and figures, terrain, a overall "WOW" game. This is how I want to do mine. I played Adam's American War of Independence Game "The Battle of Brandywine" Saturday evening. This was a hard fought and close game, being a draw to the end (But as playing the British, I believe the Americans got a "bit more of a drubbing" than we did!) The close fought ones are most fun!
Sunday I was to run my game, but they were running the "55 Days in Peking" all day and there was no available tables much less players! I figured I would wait and set it up later when they finished. I did but it was REALLY quiet (Boo-Hoo) so after an hour or so of no takers (But Art of War, whom I get most of my terrain from, came by & took pictures) I took it down. I wasn't upset or anything, as the WAB tourney went well, with 6 players and as this what was Harold was hoping for, it was good to get it done well for him, even tho he couldn't make it. I went home early (Sunday evening), as I wasn't sleeping well and wanted my own bed. And started feeling crappy Monday and by Tuesday, was a poisoned pup....such is life.
I recovered enough to run my game the following weekend on Sunday, "The Oasis at Yasra Village" at Aero Hobbies. I got 5 players and a good game. I still have a little problem with the scenario balance but it works overall. I need to tighten the board (terrain, etc.) up a little maybe....
So now that Gamex 2010 is over, it's time to get ready for Gateway 2010 in September. I have started on the Sikhs I need to make another squad of 20 and they should be done very soon. However, all the Pathans are going to be a pain, but as they say "no pain, no gain". I have about 30 figures ready to base, but I need to trim, file & base 120 figures. Then prime them white....
Good news is the last little bit of figures I need have been shipped from "The War Store" today so I will have all the fires I need soon. I need to order some Pathan flags from "The Flag Dude" and more 25mm round magnetic bases from Litko, as the Pathans, being irregular troops are going to bases on 25mm rounds and I am basing the regular (non-key/leader figures) on 1" fender washers and the Key/Leader figs on 25mm GW rounds. Regular troops, such as the Sikhs are going to be on 25mm squares and Key/Leader on 25mm GW square bases. I will also have to start re-basing the Mahdist forces on rounds.... :(
Have to post photos of the painting.....
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