Tim, as they call him, says "The End is near!" For me as well, the end is in sight, at least for my infantry. 2 of the 4 Platoons are full finished and all the 2 man stands of Light Mortars for every platoon are finished. Platoons #2 & #3 are the last. Some of the stands for #2 & #3 are done, so I need 18 more stands and all the infantry is finished. Sounds like a lot but it isn't. I just need tyo get the figures on the stick, primed and get going!
Half my HMG's are done, I want to jazz up the last two stands. Then 4 stands of artillery and the AA guns and just about the whole list. I can do up the snipers and tank hunters at my leasure, but I won't. I'll keep working on that till I'm done as well, but my Japanese will be in a playable state by then.
The game on Sunday (April 8th) at Mark's with John was a blast from the past. His micro-armor game is easy to pick up on and we just played to the last tank. I'm sure he went easy on us noobs but future games should be alot of fun, like the micro-armor games of old. Darn it tho, I forgot my camera!
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