A quick post showing a new terrain piece I finished. I plan to use it for Dark Ages Historical and whatever it might be good for!
This is by Hudson & Allen Studios Scenics-Scottish Higland Village Set Building #1 available at http://www.wargamescenics.com/
Wargaming & painting figures of the periods I'm interested in, such as Lords of the Rings, Colonial/Darkest Africa and World War I & II
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Gateway 2013 LOTR Photos are Ready!
If you are interested in seeing photos of these game please try this link - http://s207.photobucket.com/user/juggernought57/library/STRATEGICON%202013/Gateway%202013 If it doesn't work, here are the links to the individual folders for Saturday & Sunday http://s207.photobucket.com/user/juggernought57/library/STRATEGICON%202013/Gateway%202013/Osgiliath%20-LOTR%20Game%20Saturday http://s207.photobucket.com/user/juggernought57/library/STRATEGICON%202013/Gateway%202013/Osgiliath%20-LOTR%20Game%20Sunday The scenario was taken from The Two Towers Book, Scenario Nine - Osgiliath Pages 110-111. I added a few more Orcs and Gondorians into the mix. The Good Forces had to have Fordo and Sam had to escape down into the sewers for a win (Frodo only was a draw) and the Evil Forces win if any 2 Good Heroes are killed before Sam & Frodo escape or Frodo is killed. Frodo escaped both times by using the Ring. Sam managed to follow him down the culvert Saturday a turn after him for a win (Gollum didn't make it). Sunday was a draw as Sam couldn't get anywhere near the culvert due to the number of Orcs around it, but being invisible, Frodo could. Sunday also saw Gollum attack Frodo early in the game in order to get the Ring but got killed trying to do so. Lots of bad Gollum imitations were also done. TTFN
Monday, September 9, 2013
Saturday Osgiliath LOTR Game at Gateway 2013
At the Saturday Osgiliath game the Good player took some video of the game and has posted it on YouTube - My photos are almost ready so stand-by!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Osgiliath Terrain
Thought I would thrown on some shots of some of the Games Workshop Osgiliath Ruins I had done and now added a base and (hopefully) made them look a little better.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Back to the Sudan!
At least for dead/wounded figures. This is part of my plan to get old projects out of the way and stop jumping from "shiney to shiney"! These are for use with The Sword and Flame but can be used as well as anything else I care to marked dead/wounded with. So here are some shots, all figures are Old Glory.
There are more British figures in the production line (mostly wounded) so I will post more as they are finished. I also have wounded/dead Dervishes being worked on as well. Also in the backlog of stuff hanging around my workbench were some 15mm Dervish camel riders which are almost finished. They will add to my 15mm "Patrols in the Sudan 1885" (by Peter Pig) forces.
There are more British figures in the production line (mostly wounded) so I will post more as they are finished. I also have wounded/dead Dervishes being worked on as well. Also in the backlog of stuff hanging around my workbench were some 15mm Dervish camel riders which are almost finished. They will add to my 15mm "Patrols in the Sudan 1885" (by Peter Pig) forces.
Friday, April 26, 2013
So Much for March....
Real world and other stuff....so I have not posted for a while. And I am not going to run a game at the next Strategicon game convention in May as I am not going to be able to stay at the hotel and may only be there one day. Why? $$$! Got to get my budget in line, wife is worried about money during the summer as she is a teacher and is doing summer school but it is less hours and therefore less $$. But I should be back in action for September. This will also give me time to get my Osgiliath terrain in better shape and fine tune the scenario.....
But enough of that! Hope about some WWI British in Africa miniatures!
British Officers
I have finished my British and as of this post have finished my Germans, having just done the last of the Officers (photos to follow). I have also been working on more LOTR Orcs and trying nearly 100% to be a "good gamer" and finish up as much of my back-log of projects as I can AND try not to get more figures (HA!!). So with my WWI figures done I have gotten that one off the list. Currently I am finishing up a unit of 15mm Dervish Camel riders for "Patrols in the Sudan 1885" and some 25mm Dervish I had started to round out my Dervish forces in 25mm. I also have like, 6 old GW LOTR Warg Riders (the old metal ones) also nearly done. So hopefully my back-log will be a little less, but I am sure, never finished (My plastic Saxon Army for "Hail Caesar" just look at me with big, pup-dog eyes....
Next post, photos of the WWI German Officers!
But enough of that! Hope about some WWI British in Africa miniatures!
British Officers
I have finished my British and as of this post have finished my Germans, having just done the last of the Officers (photos to follow). I have also been working on more LOTR Orcs and trying nearly 100% to be a "good gamer" and finish up as much of my back-log of projects as I can AND try not to get more figures (HA!!). So with my WWI figures done I have gotten that one off the list. Currently I am finishing up a unit of 15mm Dervish Camel riders for "Patrols in the Sudan 1885" and some 25mm Dervish I had started to round out my Dervish forces in 25mm. I also have like, 6 old GW LOTR Warg Riders (the old metal ones) also nearly done. So hopefully my back-log will be a little less, but I am sure, never finished (My plastic Saxon Army for "Hail Caesar" just look at me with big, pup-dog eyes....
Next post, photos of the WWI German Officers!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Orccon February 15th - 18th 2013
It's over. The first wargame convention here in southern California. And I had a great time, running Lord of the Rings-The Siege of Minas Tirith. Funny thing about getting players at a wargame convention. It can be feast or famine. This time, both Saturday and Sunday, I had just one player, Andy Saturday and Phil on Sunday, both times they who wanted to learn the game, so in essence I guess I ran demo games, So Be It. Both I and they had a great time and enjoyed the games. The best part of Sunday's game was I ran it for someone I knew (I used to play D&D with Phil for some years) but he had never played LOTR and wanted to try it, and as I had not played ANY game with him in years, I was a blast! And now to some photos -
The Witch-King on Fell Beast attacks the walls! At this point in the combats of the next couple of rounds, the Fell Beast is slain and the Witch-King is on foot, out of Might & Fate.
"I have come for your life, White Fool!"
However, in the next turn the Witch-King is surrounded and have no Might or Fate left, is smited unto nothingness by Gandalf, Pippin and Beregond.

"I'LL BE BACK............................"
The Forces of Gondor won this game, run by Andy (I ran Mordor). This game I am sorry to say I didn't take as many photos as I did Sunday. I was really in teaching mode. Sunday however, I have alot of good ones!
The Forces of Evil on the move, this time with Siege Towers- Phil played Mordor and I played Gondor
"Didn't we have this dance the day before?"
Siege Tower down - too many hits with the Gondorian "Battlecry" Trebuchet

The Army of Mordor moves forward! I played Mordor and Andy played Gondor.The Witch-King on Fell Beast attacks the walls! At this point in the combats of the next couple of rounds, the Fell Beast is slain and the Witch-King is on foot, out of Might & Fate.
"I have come for your life, White Fool!"
However, in the next turn the Witch-King is surrounded and have no Might or Fate left, is smited unto nothingness by Gandalf, Pippin and Beregond.
"I'LL BE BACK............................"
The Forces of Gondor won this game, run by Andy (I ran Mordor). This game I am sorry to say I didn't take as many photos as I did Sunday. I was really in teaching mode. Sunday however, I have alot of good ones!
The Forces of Evil on the move, this time with Siege Towers- Phil played Mordor and I played Gondor
Siege Tower down - too many hits with the Gondorian "Battlecry" Trebuchet
The other Siege Tower survives to get to the wall - ladders are moving up! And in the far left you can see that the Witch-King is still fighting with Gandalf & company!
The Mordor Orcs and Uruk-Hai and getting on the walls and Gandalf is still fighting it out with the Witch-King. The puff of cotton on Gandalf is because the With-King successfully cast "Your Staff is Broken!" on Gandalf.
After getting the Siege Tower to the wall, the Mordor Trolls move towards the gate of Minas Tirith to smash it in!
A Mordor Uruk with 2 handed sword tops the ladder to get into the melee.
"KNOCK...KNOCK! Mordor Pizza delivery! After 2 turns of unbelievable dice rolling for the Trolls, the gate is opened (a string of "6's"!)
Note the With-King is gone. He finally lost a round of combat and with all resources used up, to the hit that sent him back home to Mordor. However, some Mordor Uruk-Hai have not come to take his place and play....
Now it appears that Gandalf is missing....The Evil player decided NO MATTER WHAT to kill him and fired the Mordor War Catapult at him and if Orcs/Uruk were killed instead, oh well. Well, again with the right dice rolls at the right time, Gandalf, having survived the With-King's attacks but with no Fate and 1 Might left saw the Uruk he was fighting eyes get REALLY big and turned just in time to catch the catapult rock (The Evil player rolled a hit, 4+, then a "6" on the scatter chart for targeting a small target like person and then made the roll to wound) and fly off the wall is a very messy heap below. And after that, Gothmog moved in (center of the photo-black ringed base-I painted him darker that shown in the movie) to help finish off the last of the wall's defenders.
The other Mordor Troll switched places and enters to face the valiant Gordorian Warriors!
Gothmog and company in melee with the last of the defenders of the walls.
Looks like the troll is cleaning up! (The troll did lose on turn of combat and after some good dice rolls by me, the Good Player, I gave it 2 wounds).
Top view-Not many Gondorians left
The end is near....the last warriors are up against the Troll and Mordor Uruk-Hai
The Sunday game was a teaching game, I didn't bother with the victory conditions as we were both having such a good time. So the defenders were slain to the last man....
I also played for a little while in a 15mm American War of Independence game but was so burned out I had to bow out and get some zzzz's. More to follow on Orccon 2013.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
It's 2013
And time for a post and what have I been up to? Well, getting more 25mm plastic Russians done for Bolt Action (more on that another time) but getting more ruins ready for when I do run Osgiliath this year.
One of the GW Osgiliath Ruins painted up (plastic)
The backside of the same piece
Some resin ruins (don't know the maker) that will work perfectly
Buildings ruins - corners
What I plan to use some of the those ruined building corners for - edges of smashed wall, if anyone manages to smash a wall down during the game.
More of the plastic Game Workshop Osgiliath set, painted & ready to go
The backside of the same piece
A bit of ruined stair & building. Again GW Osgiliath set
One thing I have noticed when running a LOTR game with siege engines is that everyone almost always fires them at the people on the wall, as opposed to knocking down the wall or smashing in the gate. Something about crushing people with rocks.....
I also finished this "cottage" I had gotten last year.
Backside of the building
Lo! The roof comes off, making it easier to put figures in.
The cottage is for Bolt Action, could be used for either West or Eastern front or Historical/Fantasy game in 28mm. I have a bit of buildings & such-like to be finished as well as a lot of figures.
I have also picked up a set of rules, "Smooth & Rifled - Skirmish Wargaming Rules" by Dadi & Piombo available at:
"Smooth&Rifled is a game system designed to recreate skirmish games with 28, 20 or 15mm miniatures. This very first edition covers the period from approximately 1700 to approximately 1900. The French and Indian War, the American Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the American Civil War and the wars of the Colonial era are just some of the periods you can play with S&R." (from the first page of the rules). They are available ONLY as a PDF but are not very expensive (9 euros or around $12-13 dollars US). All the supplements are available as FREE downloads! More on this rules set as I finish reading them and maybe try them solo a time or two. Check them out!
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