I decided to paint the "Gunga Din" figure I had of the set of figures done for the movie. It's not a really good figure but it wouldn't be right not to have him there.
So this is what is going on my workbench. A lot as you can see but as I get one project to a point I cannot paint it any further that day I can switch to something else. The buildings need another hit of white drybrushing, paint the wood (doors) and the bricks and it's wash time.
The Pathans shown above just got their "Quickshade" hit today (Wednesday 10/06) so they will be dry tomorrow so I can use the colored "basing" material. Then when that drys, I can spray matt them (Friday) and after that dries later that day I add the grass, whatever to the bases and THEY ARE DONE!! And a couple of my already painted Dervish figures I have been re-basing on round bases got a quick covering of the "Quickshade" as well, to see how they look. If good enough, I might be tempted to go back as give them all a Quickshade" brushing!
This Saturday at the St. Crispins game day in Anaheim Harold said he would like to play "Patrols in the Sudan 1885" so I have to get something ready...shouldn't take too long to come up with a scenario!
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