15mm PITS 1885
Work continues on my 15mm Colonial figures. All the Fuzzy Wuzzies I need to complete my list are 90% done. Mahdists Command stands just need a couple of touch-ups and then spray flatted. DONE. Two more British Command stands are 50% done. I need to take some photos of my guys.
After the game at Aero last Friday ( the 9th), I spent some time thinking and reading up on my Bersaglieri on what I can do with them to make them as tough as I can. I was doing better than I thought I was but I felt I wasn't, as I could shot/kill anything. As I mentioned to Mr. Tim, I've done more wargaming in the last 2-3 years than I have in the previous 25 and I have gotten better at dealing with gaming, the winning & losing and trying to use the rules the best I can, etc. After a couple of days of going over weapons, troop types, etc. I think I have a better grasp of what I want and need to do with my army, more-so if we are going to play a campaign using North Africa. I AM THE WEAKEST LINK in the armies, so I have to buff-up to survive the US/British onslaught so the DAK can win the fight (hopefully). I am working on my Semovente 47/32's and the L6/40 Light tanks right now, then it's on to the Demolisher Platoons! It's Passaglia Bombs all around!
I have some British to finish (like 8-12 figures) and then 3 mounted Amirs and the first batch of Old Glory Ansar. Need to squeeze them in with all the 15mm Colonial/FoW figures I'm working on. Maybe it's time to make some work trays so I can switch projects easier. I also need to order some 28mm Mahdists on Camels/Horse Cavalry from Old Glory via the War Web.
E-Bay sales are doing well, so I'll have the $$ to order stuff!