Thursday, April 30, 2015

Goodbye Mr. Harold...

   This post is dedicated to the memory of one of my Best Friends, Harold Hildebrand, who passed away April 18th. He lost his battle with illness that kept him in the hospital for (approx.) 18th months, from 2006 into 2007.

   I had met him through another friend of mine at the Strategicon Game Conventions but really didn't get to know him till later, when he was still in the hospital. I would go visit him there, get him something if he needed it to work on while he recovered. When he finally got to go home, I discovered he was living only 5 minutes away from me! And so we got together often, play games, painting miniatures, etc. Harold was one of those guys everyone would want to have in their game group/club as he was a gracious winner or loser. He was fun to play with or against and liked to just have a "fun" game. 

  My world is a little smaller without him and I will missed him dearly. Now who will I go with to "Mama's Sushi" during "Happy Hour"?


Friday, April 17, 2015

Some Photos from the Game Con

OK - I have been gone awhile - Sorry! However, I thought I would at least post some photos of some of the games at Strategicon's Orccon 2015 in February. The following shots are from the traditional Friday night Flames of War game.

It was Early War - French vs. Italians

 And now let's get in the Way-Back Machine for some Lion Rampant! The Medieval Skirmish Game from Osprey....

And for those of you out there into Mecha and the like...the new Robotech boxed set....

I didn't get as many photos as I usually do because I was running my Lord of the Rings game (The Bridge at Khazad-Dum) and I was only able to attend the Con Friday Night and Saturday. However, next Blog will be about the game or actually 2 games as the first one ended quicker that I thought it would and some people wanted to play but couldn't be there when I started at 1 PM so I ran a 2nd time as well.  So how about a little teaser...
The Fellowship is falling back to the Bridge...

"Hold Them! Get the Hobbits across the bridge!!"
"AAiiee!" wailed Legolas. "A Balrog has come!"