These are 30mm plastic round bases. I glued in a length of brass rod. as the centers were recessed, I wanted to add some short of texture help it look good. So a friend of mine, Harold, who is far and away better in using that 2 part epoxy stuff than me, offered his services to make a textured base for not only these but for the bases of the statues.
I added a Gondorian shield to one and a spear point (of shorts, I told you I'm not very good) on the other. Then black primed them and painted the stones gray & white, poles brown and the Gondorian shield it's usual black & white.
You can see one of them finished in this photo of what is going to be the ruined keep area. I just printed the flag in color, touched it up with some paint and it's done! The other one will be finished soon. And in my next installment I will cover the statues.