More unarmored Saxons!
Another shot of the same
Another shot of the same
GW Plastic Lord of the Rings Wood Elves
Yes, I didn't paint the eyes, it's a lot of work.
This is just a quick posting of some of the figures I have finished of late. The May game convention (Strategicon), Gamex 2011, is this weekend. As the May con is usually the slowest, I have planed to play games this time and have some fun. I will post photos from the Con next week.
The GW Wood Elves (and as yet un-painted) plastic Rangers were for a game I was thinking of running but decided not to do, at this time. However, they were fun to paint and gave some experience with using The Army Painter Quick Shade (strong) on plastic figures. Not a bad look (IMHO) and helps get things done quickly. They are a VERY matt finish when spray flat finish is applied after the Quick Shade dries.