The above are a couple of photos from the 2nd of the "Bridge Too Far" games at the Armory. The Germans are crossing the first bridge and crushing the British defenders. And a photo of the brave Italians in their Semovente 47/32 after tank assaulting some British, crushing 2 stands and the British withdrew in fear!!! Photo's on Photobucket soon...
Quick post this time, with a book review of "Flashman" by George MacDonald Fraiser. Howard & Mark read this series many years ago and enjoyed it. Now, decades later, I picked up the 1st book in the series as I am into the period. Our Hero (Harry Flashman) works his way through India and survives the 1st Afghan War. I am not too sure about this character, he lies, steal and is such a cowardly, rapist poltroon I'm not sure I can get into him. I'll have to read the 2nd book and see if he grows on me. Now I do read the "Ciaphas Cain" 40K novels & he is a bit of a coward & weasel but knows the limits of what he can get away with, being a Commissar. Harry Flashman seems to have NO redeeming qualities whatsoever.
I am hoping to have a "Sword & the Flame" game Sunday at Aero.