Monday, July 21, 2008

Entry for July 21, 2008

Star Wars...Nothing but Star Wars!"

A couple of weeks ago I found on the TMP a link to some simplified Full Thrust rules for Star Wars universe using the WOTC miniatures. They are simple, easy and use a peg board for the ships making marking damage and movement very simple. After running after this bunny and spending approximately $300.00 on the pre-painted minis (which made things easy but the fact they are "collectable" minis makes the price very high on some of them) and ordering the space matt they used in the rules (which was run at 2007 Historicon) I am now working on the ship peg boards in between working on colonial figs. I should have things ready to go in a week or 2. I had to order the colored plastic rods to cut for the pegs (Lite Brite pieces don't work as you can't just order a couple of colors of them ) and I am working on the ship sheets. It's a good side project that doesn't involve painting ANYTHING!!!! The ship sheet I just have to print, glue to foam card and punch the peg holes. Fighter sheets just need to be numbered, printed glued, etc.

Back to the painting table tomorrow........British Infantry await......


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Well, the 4th of July has come & gone and I had a BBQ & fireworks party here, and got a fair amount of people to show. Tim & Lynda, Hugh & Janice, Mark, The Williams, Mary & Steve, Steve Allen , Harold, his son Byron and Genie & her sister. Far too much food, LOTS of fireworks and I believe a grand time was had by all. Got so good photos of us all, having to delete only 1 photo of Mark being a dork while the picture was taken.Been a long time (far too long IMHO) since we all get together for a BBQ or the like.

*** The Sword and the Flame 28mm***

Almost finished my first batch of British, I have to paint the base then clear coat and they are done! Then start another batch of 6-8.

*** Patrols in the Sudan 15mm***

The Naval Riflemen and Nordenfeld gun crews are just about finished, which I believe finishes my current list of forces and we can play! I have some Egyptians, but I'll start on them later. I have other figures (Wargods, etc.) on my painting desk to finish.