The complete set of photos can be seen at:
Now some photos of a WarHammer Ancient Battles game I played with Harold on Saturday, 11-13-2010 at the Games Workshop Battle Bunker in Westminister. Now I am not that into WAB just yet, but it was fun and Harold's opponent for this game was going to be late I believe.
I was playing Greeks vs. ancient Hebrew army
My skirmishers against Light Israelite cavalry, acting as "speed bumps" when they were charged by the cavalry, which they heroically did for 1 turn...
This is a above shot just before the cavalry charged the skirmishers
Light Cavalry, looking for trouble....
So I have had a playtesting one weekend and a WAB game the next. Lots of fun! I have also gotten much painting done, which I will have to up-date my projects on my home page. Everything I need for my game is done, terrain picked out, etc. I hope to get a couple more playtests before February. Some of the ideas the players had about set-up, etc. in the 1st playtest I want to try, as well as a game with 1/2 sized units (10 figures).
I also had a brainstorm on my terrain issues, which was "what do I have?" I will take photos of it all, so I have a catalog of what hills, trees, buildings, etc. I have to use. Should take a day or two but in the end will be very worth it!