Well, the game Con is over, Bruce could not attend (thus the NUTS! game was canceled), so I was free for the Con, President's Day weekend. Played FoW Friday night, a Napoleonic Naval game Saturday and a 28mm Civil War game Sunday. I had a lot of fun. Still, I want to run something at the May Con. Bruce is talking NUTS!, maybe with Nazi Zombies....
My 28mm Ansar swordsmen are coming along as well as the FoW Italian Demolisher Platoon. As soon as the Ansar are done, I plan to work on just the Demolisher Platoon and finish it. The I think I'll do my 28mm and 15mm Egyptian figures at the same time, as the paint jobs are the same and it does not involve white robes with patches (at this time, next group with be the Ansar riflemen). I need to take photos of my figs for Photobucket, so all and sundry can see them.