Friday, June 20, 2008

Entry for June 20, 2008

A quick update.....

***28mm TS&TF***

The Madhists are finished. The Banner bearers are done as well the musician's (drums). The first batch of British will be finished very soon. a sample of OG British are on the way, I found that OG had British other than Zulu period British, from the Boer War. If useable, they are cheaper than the Perry minis (30 figure for $24.00 from War Web vs. War Store Perry's which are 6 for $13.99)

***15mm PITS***

Need to get back to them. The Gardner gun, crew and Naval Infantry are almost finish. That means I have all the figures for the list done. I have extra figures (British, Egyptians & Fuzzy-Wuzzies) to add to my forces. I also need to finish my dead British & Madhists markers. Oh yeah, Scouted & Jammed markers as well, but I can proxy them for now.
Also I have been getting the bulk of my figures in foam trays for easier storage & transport. Most of my LOTR figure are done, I need to do the LOTR cavalry and start getting my Sci-Fi figures in trays. But I ordered more from The War Store as getting them from Brookhurst is spotty at best. I am also ordering via the Internet more of the right type of storage boxes for the foam trays.

It's also bloody damn hot (triple digits)...and I don't want to do anything.And a rash on the left wrist isn't getting any better.....